
“Jake wrote a spiritual guide that helps us get untangled so we can freely follow Jesus. 40-Day Transition takes you from having your eyes wandering around the things of this world to having your eyes fixed on Jesus!”

-Tori Hope Petersen, Bestselling author of Fostered & Speaker

“Having just gone through Jake Lazar’s Discipling Manual, I find it is a MUST READ book. Not only is this treatise scholarly, comprehensive and practical, there is also a quality of depth of heart that is reflected from the author. The material presented by Jake Lazar is that which can be used on a personal level.  Group teachings or actually discipling others to be Christ followers is the tone of this book. I highly recommend this book and course!”

-Dr. Tim Warner, Senior Pastor, School Founder & Former National Chairman of the International Ministerial Association

“God has used Pastor Jake to masterfully create a manual and system to walk you through 40 days of spiritual and life transformation. It is exciting to hear so many testimonies of the great impact that these materials have had. Get the book, implement a 40-Day Transition in your church or school. Our people look forward to this each year!”

-Bob Pittman, Senior Pastor of World Harvest Church & Speaker

What others are saying…

  • "Throughout the 40DT I learned how to hear the voice of God, draw closer to Him and give Him my full undivided attention. This allowed me to grow way deeper in my faith that I ever had before. I am so thankful for completing this, as it has made a significant impact on my spiritual journey and I truly feel transformed by God. Thank you for this manual and guidance to help me!"


  • "I experienced God in a brand-new way."

    — Burch

  • "Daily time with Jesus became my heart’s desire."

    — Carolyn

  • "I actually crave time with Jesus & it doesn't get boring anymore."

    — Samantha

  • "God started to reveal to me my identity..."

    — Josh

  • "The 40DT taught me how to connect with God."

    — Devan

  • "Through the 40DT the Lord showed me patience and obedience."

    — Carlos

  • “With distractions aside, I was able to cling to and rely on the only one that matters, Jesus.”

    — Hannah

  • "God impacted my heart a lot… I’ve been finding myself craving His presence. I’ve been hearing his voice clearly."

    — Madisen

  • “I just learned to really understand how faithful God is to those that seek Him and trust Him. If I would have been praying and living my life like this for years I can’t imagine all the wisdom and knowledge I would be filled with.”

    — Jon

  • "This experience has been everything I imagined it to be and so so so much more. It was challenging and I learned so much but it was also filled with so many amazing moments and so many blessings. God truly showed up for me during this time!"

    — Clare

  • “To me the 40 day transition isn’t something that you just do halfheartedly but a time of activation that turns into a lifestyle of pursing Jesus as your One Thing. Because when you make Him your One Thing that is when freedom comes, revelation is give, and transformation really happens. I can’t wait to see what He does next because it doesn’t end here!”

    — Keiana

  • "I’ve never wanted to go to church more... I absolutely LOVED the 40DT nights we had every Friday. There’s something about a group of young adults coming together, all with one goal to glorify God that had really just been incredible."

    — Garin